

在中国,春季的划分时间为日历年为3月21日到6月20日。 公历季节划分:




4、冬季(英文名:winter):北半球为12月~2月(冬日至春分时);南半球为6月~8月(夏至至冬分)。 中国传统四季划分的标准与西方不同,以二十四节气中的节气作为标准划分四季。这种四季划分法有着悠久的历史。

具体划分如下: 一月立春 二月雨水 三月惊蛰 四月清明 五月立夏 六月芒种 七月小暑 八月立秋 九月白露 十月寒露 十一月小雪 十二月大雪 中国的气候学标准是以阳历3~5月和9~11月作为春、秋季,而以6~8月作为夏、冬两季。 按照中国气象学的定义:春秋两地被定义为3-5月以及9-11月,也就是农历的惊蛰到谷雨这段时间和立 Winter to mid Autumn day, namely March and April, the autumn harvest period. Summer is from Mid summer day on June 21st, winter begins in December. Spring according to Chinese seasonal division of standard with Western different, with twenty four solar terms as stander dividing into spring and fall. This kind of season divide has a long history. In traditional calendar January starts off spring , February falls rain, March wak up the bug, May start new leaf; July start heat wave, October white dew, November rime snowfall,December big freeze. The year begin at the day after New Year's Day (January 3rd), end by the last day of the lunar year, which varies every year but usually around late January or early February in the Gregorian calendar. There are generally three seasons: hot , coldand warm. China also divides its year into five seasons: hot ,dry, cool, rainy and cold. Seasons vary regionally for various reasons including elevation difference, distance between regions and climate influence. According to the climatic data measured since 1951 all over the country, there are basically two main seasons:a short dry summer and an extended cold season, while other periods may be regarded either as one continuous monsoon season without real changeover between spring and autumn, or as transitional periods when weather conditions gradually shift from cold to warm or vice versa.


一年有四季,每个季节都有不同的景色和花,当然也有适合的花种了! 1.春——梅花、杏花 李白的那首诗《卜算子·咏梅》“零落成泥碾作尘”的梅就是在这个时候开的;同样在早春的时候开的花还有杏花(早开的叫杏,晚开的叫杏)。这时候可以摘些野生的荠菜,采一些桑椹或者桑葚来酿酒喝!也可以去爬爬山、吹吹风… 2.夏——荷花 “接天莲叶无穷碧”的荷也是在夏天盛开,它代表盛夏的来临。也是这个时候青蛙开始鸣唱夜晚的到来,蝉也开始聒噪起来呢~ 3.秋—桂花 满城丹桂扑鼻香,这是形容秋天最著名的植物啦~
